Tuesday 30 May 2017

Google's Mobile Friendly Test

Test how easily a visitor can use your webpage on a mobile device.  Just enter a page URL within googles mobile friendly test to see how your page scores.
Enter your page URL here.

Marketing Communication ¦ Ardean

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Digital marketing KPIs to increase sales

Digital marketing is one of the most popular ways for businesses to try to increase sales. In fact, spending on digital marketing is projected to increase by anywhere from 12-15 percent.

What’s surprising about this number is that according to recent research, many businesses have a hard time measuring the results of their digital marketing campaigns. A third of marketers don’t know which digital marketing efforts have the best revenue impact, and some businesses don’t even track metrics that give this information.

To make sure you are spending your digital marketing budget in a way that will help you increase sales, click here to find out what are the top digital marketing KPIs you should be tracking, and information on how they help inform your strategy.

Marketing Strategy ¦ Ardean